How To Get Free Electricity From Your Phone Line - Exposing a Hidden Source of FREE Energy!
Would you like to Discover a Hidden Source of 100% FREE Electricity for your Home?
You Can Power Your House Appliances For FREE, and say Goodbye to High Electricity Bills!
But How Does this System Work?
From The Desk Of: Ryan Subject: How To Get FREE Electricity from your Phone Line
If you've ever wanted your own secret source of free electricity to power up your household appliances, even during an emergency power outage, then this is by far the most important information you'll ever read.
Here's why:
Are you tired of your energy bill going up each year? Is the amount you're paying to power your house causing you financial strain? Do you feel the Power Company is taking advantage of you, especially during unbearably hot or cold days?
After all, it's not your fault others have disintegrated the ozone layer, Right?
All you know is, your summers are getting hotter and winters are getting colder � leaving you with an ASTRONOMICALLY HIGH energy bill each month!
It's a shame you're spending so much money on a resource you can't live without.
But, if you're like most home owners, you need your air conditioner on to keep you cool in the summer; your coffee pot going to keep you alert during the day; you need light to see in the dark, and what about your portable television? Heaven forbid if you weren't able to keep your portable television, while working in the garage!
So, if you need all these things, then why should you be forced to spend more of your hard-earned money (actually thousands in just one season) when you can get energy for...FREE?
In fact, there's a system available that'll help drastically reduce or even eliminate your electricity bill.
"Start Using Electricity from your Phone Line - The One You Are Already Paying For!"
Now, that I've got your attention, let me introduce myself. I've worked in the telecommunications field for over 20 years, starting as a landline technician and working my way up. During my career, I've discovered that every single home has access to a hidden source of electricity...even during a power outage.
You see, telephone companies generate their own electricity that's separate from the Power Company. That means there's a never ending supply of electricity flowing into your house that's readily available to use � at no additional charge!
You're probably thinking, if there is free, usable energy running through my telephone line, then, �Why is my monthly power bill so high! Well, that's the exact same questions I asked myself; at one time.
When I first caught wind of what was going on, I was determinate to put a STOP to the price gauging from Power Companies and find a way to take that unused electricity and put it to good use!
This is electricity you're already paying the telephone company for!
So, after extensive planning and testing, here's what I came up with.
"How To Get Free Electricity From Your Phone Line"
I've found a way to take the electricity from a telephone line and power up appliances and household gadgets � saving thousands of dollars each year in electricity costs. The best part about my technique is that it's simple.
And, I show you just how easy it is to create your own free energy with my do-it-yourself kit, called Phone 4 Energy�.
You see, I've created a simple DIY Kit that is easy-to-read, with clear illustrations that'll guide you through the entire process.
And, you'll be happy to know, Phone 4 Energy� was created with the complete novice in mind. Through the guide, I'll hold your hand every step of the way from set-up to finish.
To be sure my system is easy for anyone to follow, I found a group of 11 test subjects who knew nothing about generating power.
At the end of the 1 hour test, I was very happy to report all of the members successfully turned their phone line into useable energy!
Remember, these test group members knew absolutely nothing about creating energy.
And, to tell you the truth, if they can create energy from their phone line, then anybody can!
Take a look below at a few people who have used Phone 4 Energy� to use electricity from their phone line and are saving money every single day:
Tom James
What an amazing system! I was really skeptic when I saw your website for the first time - could never have imagined that the phone had electricity in it, let alone that it can be used as a power source!
I will certainly recommend phone 4 energy to everyone I know.
"I am deeply impressed about all this, not only it works but it's also easy to setup. This nourishes my conviction that the power industry can no longer withstand the avalanche of technical breakthrough.
Of course, this is high time to join the positive forces and do something to really save electricity.
"The discovery that you made is not only revolutionary but very useful. After searching for ways to save electricity I found several options, including wind and solar panels. Unfortunately these were not easy to build, let alone by someone like me.
On the other hand, using the voltage from my telephone to power appliances was simple and straight forward with the help of your kit.
"You guys are brilliant in finding solutions for everyday situations that affect our environment, and save us money in the process! While big companies plan out solutions with huge plans that cost millions, your plans can be followed by the Everyday Joe or Jane, easily and cheaply. We can do something NOW to save money on our energy bills!"
"I purchased all the components for the phone for energy kit....This is a wonderful thing to finally see happen. I knew there were others out there trying to use alternative sources of energy, but this site blows them all away. Many thanks for the posting of such a system. Hopefully I can add to it in the near future. "
James Valian
"Hi, just to let you know how excited I am. I'm using the battery bank system and thus storing electricity during the night. This way I have plenty of electricity to power most of my household equipments when I need them. The best part of all this? Its 100% free electricity!
Michael James
"I bought your Phone 4 Energy System on the 5th of May, would it be fine if we post your findings on our news website? We have still got so many users that do not believe that a telephone can generate enough electricity to power a house. Our website is on a science magazine in the UK and your system would sure be a great addition. We will put a link to your website if you accept our request.
Thank You"
Conrad Davids
"This is going to be big!!! I will be inviting people to a demonstration shortly and will very guardedly talk to our local media because this is really innovative. I want people to know about this and want to help them save on electricity. "
With Phone 4 Energy�, you'll get:
To tap into the electricity of your phone line to power up your household appliances!
To spend your money on the things you enjoy!
A safer alternative to energize your home!
Your own secret source of hidden electricity to light up anything with up to 110 volts!
To have a source of free energy at your fingertips!
Complete step-by-step instructions on how to make energy from your phone line using simple components!
To be the only house on the block with working electricity even during a power cut!
To do your part to preserve the environment! Your children will thank you for it! much more!
Here are just a few of the topics covered in Phone 4 Energy�:
Get a complete DIY Kit that shows you how to use free energy directly from your Phone Line.
Discover the secret of using your Phone 4 Energy� system, even while you're talking on the phone.
Double the amperage output of your electricity with a simple yet powerful trick.
Easy to follow step-by-step diagrams to make your own system to charge up your entire house. *** Also includes a back-up generation system.
Get the inside scoop on how to make your free electricity project even more powerful.
Discover how to get the optimal use from your Phone 4 Energy� setup.
Reduce your energy consumption starting Today! with these proven energy efficiency methods.
And so much more including detailed information about tools and assembly instructions along with guided illustrations!!!
"How Much Can You Save?"
Now, think about this. If you continue to use electricity the way you are right now, you can be guaranteed that your bill will continue to soar! But, what if you could save on your Power Bill by using the easy-to-use kit described in Phone 4 Energy�?
Let's take a closer look. On average, Americans pay approximately $1,200 and $3,600 to their electricity company; each year.
But, before I move on, imagine what you could do with the extra money you would save per month!
Take your family out for a nice dinner
Put an extra tank of gas in your car and go visit relatives
Buy those expensive running shoes your child wants
Put extra groceries on the table
Maybe upgrade some of your furniture
Let's face it, in this time of financial crunch, every dollar saved makes a difference and can add to your quality of life, so you could do whatever you want or need.
Well, you'll be happy to know, after you start using your phone line as an alternative energy source, you'll be able to do all those things... AND MORE!
On top of the thousands you'll save, it's likely you'll even qualify to get a credit from your Electric Company, just for being an environmentally aware citizen. This will give you even more money to do whatever you want!
"You Can Ease Some Of Your Money Worries � If You Follow
This Simple Plan"
Each system installed will mean less money in the pockets of the power company and more in yours. They probably aren't going to like this but it will be done quietly and one household at a time. By the time this gets back to them it will be far too late for them to do anything about it.
The worst that will happen is the demand for their source of power will go down and the likelihood of a shortage for all consumers will be diminished. So you will be doing a favour to all those who consume great amounts of power and WANT to pay for it.. You just won't be one of them.
I would like to help EVERYBODY drastically reduce their power bill.
Therefore, in order to help as many people as possible, this information will be available for the price of only $47. (you will get your investment back in LESS than ONE MONTH)
Now for the surprise!
"You'll Also Get These Incredible Bonuses
Absolutely FREE!"
Bonus #1 : Nikola Tesla Secret
"Nikola Tesla Secret" will show you how to create a Tesla Free Energy Device which generates electricity form the sky.
This guide is written in laymen's terms and is the complete solution to save on your electricity bills.
You will get step-by-step instructions of how to build the Tesla Energy Device that was invented over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla Himself ; the inventor of the Electricity.
Cost $49.97 (If Bought Separately)
Bonus #3 : The Renewable Energy Handbook
You have probably read about building your own solar panels, saving $10,000�s off retail price on TV, but have you tried it yourself?
Now you can! This step-by-step DIY Kit will show you how to reduce your power bill by making your own solar panels and wind turbines.
Cost $40 (If Bought Separately)
Bonus #4 : Living Green
Discover simple steps for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint that you can take in your daily life to do your part to help save our environment for the future.
Cost $37 (If Bought Separately)
Bonus #5 : Gas Saving Devices
Find out the truth about so-called "gas saving devices." We get to the bottom of such devices like: oil and gas additives, magnetic devices, and air injection products on this guide.
Cost $35.99 (If Bought Separately)
Bonus #6 : Fuel Efficient Vehicles
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about fuel efficient vehicles. We cover scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, hybrids and more. Plus we will discuss bio-diesel power and a full break down of the top gas powered cars that are fuel efficient.
Cost $34 (If Bought Separately)
Getting started is also easy...
After placing your order, you'll instantly receive the Phone 4 Energy� Kit and the Bonuses mentioned above. Next, simply follow the step-by-step directions included in the manual on how to use free electricity from your phone line... then START SAVING!
Yes, it's that easy!
Most importantly, you'll be happy to know everything I claim in this letter is true. You can power your appliances, including your refrigerator or TV with Phone 4 Energy� at no-cost to you. In fact, I back my statement with a 60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee.
100% No-Hassle 60-Day Risk-Free Guarantee!
If you find that Phone 4 Energy� doesn't help you to drastically reduce or even eliminate your electric bills by using free electricity from your phone line, just email me within 60 days of receiving your order to get a 100% refund.
No Questions! No Hassles! No Problems!
"Get the Phone 4 Energy� System & The FREE
Bonus For Just $47!"
That's right, you'll be able to get everything for a one-time payment of $47. Plus, if you have any questions, I'm here to help! Just email me at the address below and I'd be happy to get back to you with an answer within 24 hours or less.
Start Saving Today!
Order Phone 4 Energy� Now!
You are about to get instant access to this best selling kit even if it's 3 in the morning
Phone 4 Energy� comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee - because we are sure that you will not regret your decision.
Phone 4 Energy� is in digital format (PDF) which means there is no need to wait for shipping. You'll be able to learn the secret of saving thousands of dollars from your electricity bills, in just minutes from now.
I'm sure you'll agree that it's well worth investing $47 to Save Thousands in Electricity Bills! Remember, you're backed by a complete 60-day money back guarantee if for any reason you're unhappy with Phone 4 Energy�
P.S.: If you seriously want to eliminate or drastically reduce your energy bills, then you don't want to miss this opportunity to get Phone 4 Energy� at the low price of $47.