Tom James
What an amazing system! I was really skeptic when I saw your website for the first time - could never have imagined that the phone had electricity in it, let alone that it can be used as a power source!
I will certainly recommend phone 4 energy to everyone I know.
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David Adams
Sydney, Australia
"I am deeply impressed about all this, not only it works but it's also easy to setup. This nourishes my conviction that the power industry can no longer withstand the avalanche of technical breakthrough.
Of course, this is high time to join the positive forces and do something to really save electricity.
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Kevin Yosiko
Thanks for your fast advice. My phone 4 energy system is setup and sorted out the phone noise problem; I had a bad wiring as you said.
Am very impressed with everything so far. Most of my rooms are being powered by the telephone line, its quite an achievement.
Will keep in touch and let you know when I receive my monthly electricity bill - to see the savings!"
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Joe Brown
"The discovery that you made is not only revolutionary but very useful. After searching for ways to save electricity I found several options, including wind and solar panels. Unfortunately these were not easy to build, let alone by someone like me.
On the other hand, using the voltage from my telephone to power appliances was simple and straight forward with the help of your kit.
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Dowl Rodriguez
Costa Rica
"You guys are brilliant in finding solutions for everyday situations that affect our environment, and save us money in the process! While big companies plan out solutions with huge plans that cost millions, your plans can be followed by the Everyday Joe or Jane, easily and cheaply. We can do something NOW to save money on our energy bills!"
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Ronald Roberts
"I’ve got everything working. I adjusted the main diode as you suggested and the voltage has increased several times over.
I’m already seeing a great improvement since yesterday, and this morning I was tinkering with the system and managed to improve the voltage even more.
I have fitted everything in my house, the phone works perfectly while at the same time I'm gathering free electricity to power my ac, free of charge.
Very impressive, and I’d highly recommend the kit to anybody"!
[View Testimonial Proof]

Ben Dolson
London, England
"I purchased all the components for the phone for energy kit....This is a wonderful thing to finally see happen. I knew there were others out there trying to use alternative sources of energy, but this site blows them all away. Many thanks for the posting of such a system. Hopefully I can add to it in the near future. "

James Valian
"Hi, just to let you know how excited I am. I'm using the battery bank system and thus storing electricity during the night. This way I have plenty of electricity to power most of my household equipments when I need them. The best part of all this? Its 100% free electricity!

Michael James
"I bought your Phone 4 Energy System on the 5th of May, would it be fine if we post your findings on our news website? We have still got so many users that do not believe that a telephone can generate enough electricity to power a house. Our website is on a science magazine in the UK and your system would sure be a great addition. We will put a link to your website if you accept our request.
Thank You"

Conrad Davids
"This is going to be big!!! I will be inviting people to a demonstration shortly and will very guardedly talk to our local media because this is really innovative. I want people to know about this and want to help them save on electricity. "